Your Voice in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

PA State Rep. Scott Barger represents the 80th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, serving parts of Blair and Huntingdon Counties.

Contact Scott

How Can My Office Serve You?

My staff will be happy to help you with state-related issues. A few services offered include car registrations; driver’s license renewal and special tags; property tax/rent rebate applications; birth certificate and death record applications; and much more.

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Meet Scott

Scott Barger was born and raised in Altoona. Because his parents owned and operated small businesses throughout Central Pennsylvania for over 50 years, Scott experienced the ups and downs of being raised in a “small business family.” This helped him develop work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit. A self-described “Reagan conservative,” Scott was raised to value individual liberty and accountability as well as a limited government “by the people, for the people.” His legislative priorities include supporting policies that strengthen Pennsylvania’s energy future and ensuring all students have access to a high-quality education, regardless of where they live.

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